What’SUP?! – Stand-up paddling at Lake Lucerne

Now, what’s that again? Yes, basically SUP is one of these new sport hypes that bored metropolis yuppies with a left-winged attitude that don’t do drugs are craving for. Make no mistake, I am one of them myself.


On a warm summers eve, meaning yesterday, my company and me went for a stand-up paddling (SUP) tour around Lake Lucerne. We were the second group and started the event with relaxing in the sun and a bottle of beer, which I already found very to my liking. And then, it was up on the boards. Our instructor gave us a quick introduction and then we already went out on the Lake. The event was organised by Surfcorner Lucerne which are situated at the Lido and at the Tribschen. Photos shown here are also their curtesy & property and if you are interested in renting a SUP board or doing a tour, you find more information on their website.


Basically, the SUP board is similar to a surf board. You push it into the water, scramble up the board so that you kneel on it – and then stand up. It’s quite a rickety affaire but after a while you will get the knack of it. With paddle longer than yourself you paddle standing (hence the name, surprise…) along. At first, you will fall into the water several times, either due to waves from a passing speedboat, due to a lack of attention or because one of your colleagues throw you in. We went quite far on the boards and did lots of jabberwocky on the lake. We held four boards together with the paddles and someone tried more or less successfully to run over the tips of all of them.


It’s good fun and a good exercise as well. I do feel my belly muscles a day later and these are exactly the muscles I normally “forget” to exercise at the gym. SUP rent is 20 CHF per hour. So, if I got anyone interested in SUP and if you are from Lucerne or nearby, let me know. I would like to be in for another tour!

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