What is S & T about?

Welcome to Spa and Travel Blog. Great that you found your way through the wide internet to this page – what can you expect to find here?

The Spas

“The sauna… Is an apotheosis of all experience: Purgatory and paradise; earth and fire; fire and water; sin and forgiveness. It is lyrical ecstasy. It is resurrection from the dead. It is eternal new birth… You are healed, you are made new.” Constance Malleson

On a cold, rainy and grey day, there’s nothing better for me than to go to the Spa and relax all muscles during a 90° sauna infusion. I prefer to try different Spas in all the various places I hapen to visit. The internet is wonderful place to get recommendations for all kinds of activities like hotels, restaurants and so on. In my opinion, evaluation and reports for Spas are missing, so I thought you guys out there might profit from some reports on Spas all over Europe written by a self-declared enthusiastic sauna passionate.

If you have a great tip where to go next – let me  know and maybe your favorite Spa will be the latest topic on Spa and Travel.

The Travels (and the trekking)

When the sun is shining brightly, there is no need to stay inside too long (yes, even if this ‘inside’ happens to be a great Spa). Instead, I love to be outdoors travelling to places unvisited before and to hike across the  breathtaking landscapes of Switzerland and beyond. Although you can find numerous travel and hiking reports out there, I hope to add a little extra details to help in deciding and organising your trip.

The Miscellaneous 

Apart from Spas and Travels, I read through this one book or the other (sometimes while being at a Spa – you see where this is going) or come up with other activities or opinions, so you might find some bits and pieces on other stuff here as well.

Enjoy reading! I am happy to take any comment from your side.


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